Student Trustee
2024-25 Student Trustees: Kaitlyn Hou & Charlie Ochu
Kaitlyn Hou
"Words cannot describe how humbled and grateful I am to take on the honour of representing the students of HDSB as a student trustee. Never in my wildest dreams would I be standing here today, preparing to advocate for thousands of student voices in their education and wellbeing. And never in my wildest dreams, did I expect the overwhelming amount of support and engagement I’ve received throughout this process. I have so much gratitude to all the amazing candidate, trustee, and student friendships I’ve fostered throughout this campaigning period; the sense of community and connections established within the HDSB will stay with me forever. I look forward to seeing and feeling the change Charlie and I will achieve together, and I send sincere gratitude to everyone who has entrusted me to advocate for them. Halton, you have made my dreams come true; now, I will do my best to help HDSB students actualize their dreams too. "
Charlie Ochu
"Being able to experience this opportunity to act on behalf of all 67,000 students in the HDSB as one of the successful candidates is an incredible honor! While I feel nervous working with Ontario's best students, I'm also excited to do my best to make Halton a better learning environment for each student during Kaitlyn and I's term. Words cannot begin to express how thankful I am towards my family for encouraging me to do my best, and my friends for supporting me when I had doubts. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today. After seeing how hard our predecessors worked in this role and being able to experience the positive change they made, I too want to put my best foot forward and give this role all that I have so I can see my fellow students thrive in school. With this in mind, I have to do my best to represent every single student in Halton and make sure that their voices are heard by the board. I'm feeling good about our school board's future, I'm certain we can soar to never-before-seen heights!"
What is a Trustee?
Being a Student Trustee is a very important commitment, one that has two of our senior students across Halton representing all 67,000 of our students. These two students sit on the Board of Trustees and serve as the voice of our student population while advocating for youth issues at the Board, regional and provincial levels.
There are three main responsibilities for Student Trustees:
Running Student Senate (once a month from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Attending Board Meetings (twice a month from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
Attending the Ontario Student Trustee Association’s (OSTA-AECO) conferences, as well as being an active member of the organization