We're a group of passionate leaders from public schools across the Halton District School Board. We meet once a month to provide the student perspective on board issues and to voice the questions and concerns of Halton students. The Student Trustees relay these perspectives to the Board of Trustees to ensure that students are being represented. Each year, we also organize and run the Halton Youth Leadership Symposium, a conference for Halton students.  


Kaitlyn Hou

Grade 10 From APHS

"Words cannot describe how humbled and grateful I am to take on the honour of representing the students of HDSB as a student trustee. Never in my wildest dreams would I be standing here today, preparing to advocate for thousands of student voices in their education and wellbeing. And never in my wildest dreams, did I expect the overwhelming amount of support and engagement I’ve received throughout this process. I have so much gratitude to all the amazing candidate, trustee, and student friendships I’ve fostered throughout this campaigning period; the sense of community and connections established within the HDSB will stay with me forever. I look forward to seeing and feeling the change Charlie and I will achieve together, and I send sincere gratitude to everyone who has entrusted me to advocate for them. Halton, you have made my dreams come true; now, I will do my best to help HDSB students actualize their dreams too. "

Charlie Ochu

Grade 10 from OTHS

"Being able to experience this opportunity to act on behalf of all 67,000 students in the HDSB as one of the successful candidates is an incredible honor! While I feel nervous working with Ontario's best students, I'm also excited to do my best to make Halton a better learning environment for each student during Kaitlyn and I's term. Words cannot begin to express how thankful I am towards my family for encouraging me to do my best, and my friends for supporting me when I had doubts. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today.  After seeing how hard our predecessors worked in this role and being able to experience the positive change they made, I too want to put my best foot forward and give this role all that I have so I can see my fellow students thrive in school. With this in mind, I have to do my best to represent every single student in Halton and make sure that their voices are heard by the board. I'm feeling good about our school board's future, I'm certain we can soar to never-before-seen heights!"

Follow our Instagram!

Follow our Instagram to stay up-to-date about news, elections, opportunities, and so much more! @hdsbstudentsenate


To join the HDSB Student Senate, students must be in grades 7 to 12 in a Halton District School Board school. In early September, all school principals receive a letter inviting them to select 1 Student Senator per elementary school or 2 Student Senators per secondary school (*if your school exceeds a student population of 1500, principals may select 3 Student Senators). It is up to each school to select their Senators. The letter to principals will contain all necessary information for Student Senators, including the pre-set meeting dates. 

Senate meets once a month . Consistent attendance is critical. Meetings shall be held virtually from 6 - 9 PM for all senators.

Join us in advocating student voice 

Are you passionate about advocating for student voice on board topics? The HDSB Student Senate is looking for non-senators to join our subcommittees! This year we will be searching for 4-6 students from each region from grades 7-12 to join one of our four (4) subcommittees, applications will open in the coming months here!

What is the HDSB Student Senate?

Importance of Voting


How do I join Student Senate?

In early September, the Student Trustees  send a letter to all HDSB principals indicating that each school is to select its senators (1 per elementary school, 2 per secondary school). Each school has its own method of selecting Senators, but the most common approach is to put out an announcement inviting any student to express their interest. If a school does not announce the opening for the Senate position, we would recommend the student schedule a meeting with the principal to express their interest. If this is not possible or if you have any questions/concerns about the selection process, then please email Vandy at widyalankarv@hdsb.ca or Kacy at 1baok@hdsb.ca 

Who Can Be A Student Senator?

Any student from Grades 7 to 12 who currently attends a school in the HDSB can apply/be selected

Do I Have To Be In Student Council To Be In Student Senate

Nope! Student Senate offers the opportunity for all students. If you're passionate about making a difference in your school and community, we want to hear from you! 

What is HYLS?

The Halton Youth Leadership Symposium (HYLS) is the conference the Student Senate puts on every year. Watch for conference details in Spring 2021. Click here for more information.

Where Are Senate Meetings?

All Senate meetings are on Tuesday evenings every month. See the specific dates here.

What Is A Student Trustee?

A Student Trustee represents students at the board table. Their job consists of three main parts:

What Grade Do I Need To Be To Run For Student Trustee?

All grade 10 and 11 students in the HDSB are eligible to run for the position of Student Trustee. Newly elected Student Trustees begin their terms in the following school year.